"We need to teach people to tolerate pain"

- Dr. Gabor Mate

Donna Murphy

Master of Social Work

Calgary Counsellor and Professional Social Worker

I hold a Masters Degree in Social Work. Certified in Adult Education, Meditation instructor and too many workshops, readings, training to count. While the education I received was worthwhile, what has given me wisdom is experience. I have been practicing for almost 2 decades beginning with child welfare, moved into training other social workers, eventually leaving that world altogether. I moved to Calgary and began working in a non-profit for one year, moved to an EAP provider then left for a combination of private practice and some teaching on the side. Something was missing from my work and it was unfulfilling and admit I didn’t know what that missing link was….. that is until now.

That disillusionment led me to do more and more learning by going within and learning about myself. While a painful process I emerged from that pain wiser and more effective working with people than ever before. Now I’m ready to share with anyone who wants to rework themselves to live their best self.

Courses - Coming Soon!!!

Letting Go of History

The lessons in this module will demonstrate the steps involved in learning to love and accept yourself. Beginning with retraining your brain to look inward for answers, identifying your patterns and how to work with triggers.

Facing Fears

The lessons in this module take you through a series of recognizing fears, calming those fears, the art of letting go, to live your best self.


This module will look at remaining connected to oneself while maintaining healthy boundaries. How to apologize/forgive.



Working through Grief.

My Mission

I envision a world where people become aware of the fact that the power to change their lives rest solely within them. That to live a full and happy life means pushing the boundaries what we see and believe is possible. Thus I’ve created a product that will walk you through the steps involved to transforming your life from one of sick and tired of being sick and tired to one of living with intention and purpose. So I’m giving you an educational program that will allow you to change all your relationships (work, home, family, friends) and live a full life. For therapists, I’m working on an educational program that will help you help your clients. Stay tuned but in the meantime come along for the ride and I’ll be right here with you!!! With Love, Donna

" You can't change what you aren't aware of "

- Donna Murphy

Speaking Engagements and Workshops

Planning an event that needs some ideas and strategies on healthy relationships (intimate, workplace, family/friends and self), co-parenting or blending families? Why not get a group together and have me come in to give you some tips and strategies on optimizing the experience for your children?

Getting a group together will minimize the cost to everyone. I can do a simple speaking request or maybe you want a small workshop. Call or email at the link on my page.

One on One Sessions

Not everyone wants to be part of a group learning about blending families, healing oneself, transforming your life, learning how to co-parent or improving relationships across all areas of life (work, home, family and friends). But hey, you can make it all about you and your situation. If that’s you, I can do one on one sessions. You will get a good foundation on how to be in a healthy, loving and connected relationship, how to effectively co-parent (I suggest you bring the other co-parent by the way), you will understand what does blending families mean and how do we do that or maybe you want to change your life. Give me a call or email.

$250 per hour

Business Consultation

I’m married to an entrepreneur and a brilliant man. Bill is a business guy through and through. Crazy right?? Everyone we meet for the first time sorta shakes their head when I tell them I’m married to a business person. When we started out years ago, both of us also believed our professional lives were worlds apart. As we were growing together we realized that business and the world of humans and their minds were way more connected than either of us would have ever believed. We both came to a place where we realized the connection. Business, all business, is run by people. Like Bill says, knowing people and motivations is knowing your business better. That’s where he and I came together. Voila!! And here is the best part, it works both ways!!! Whenever I’ve come up with a crazy business idea and ran it by him, he would give me the usual eye roll before he broke it all down in order for me to understand why something would or would not work. By this time he has created and sold one successful business and now working on another and I have to say again it’s a brilliant business he is growing.
What was of value to Bill as we grew our professional careers was what he says I helped him do “teach him about humans and their motivations”. Something he took and used as a way to improve and tweek his business to become successful.
Ok, wanna inspire your employees? Wanna solve some moral issues in the workplace? Wanna develop your leadership qualities? I can help you understand your employees or help your employees understand that helping the business helps them become successful and confident.

I can’t tell you how many employees I’ve had in sessions that tell me how unhappy they are at work or that someone bullies them and they are too afraid to tell their leaders because of the possible backlash that will happen. They are secretly sabotaging your business. They don’t promote it when they are away from the job, opting rather for a bad review when asked “what’s it like to work there”.

Latest blogs

I’m an experienced life consultant with a blog full of valuable insights. My in-depth posts cover a wide range of topics to help you achieve your goals and thrive in all aspects of life. Check out my website to transform your life for the better.

Helping Your Children Learn – Amanda Henderson

Quick Fix – Feel Good World

Therapist Perspective Matters

Speaking request Form

get in touch with Me

If you or a loved one needs help navigating bureaucracies, managing mental health or advocating for their rights, please contact me. I’ll take the time to understand your needs and work with you to meet them. Thanks for considering my services.









